Injectable Treatments
Smooth skin can contribute to a look of youthfulness. Deep creases or wrinkles in the skin, caused by sun damage, smoking or the natural effects of aging, can make you look older.
Several types of wrinkle treatments are available to help you create more youthfullooking skin. The type of treatment that works best for you depends on your skin type, and the amount, depth and location of wrinkles. Talk to Dr. Friedman about which type is best for you.
Skin Fillers
Filler material is injected under the skin to raise the surface and make it look smooth. Types of skin fillers include manufactured (created in a laboratory), autologous (taken from your own body), and synthetic. Manufactured fillers are processed and sterily packaged by cosmeceutical companies and are available for use at your office consultation. Commonly used fillers include:
Fillers from your own body (autologous fillers):
Fat Transplantation
Fat is taken from other areas of your body such as your lower abdomen using liposuction. It is placed in a syringe and injected through small incisions into the places you want filled. Injections are given over a series of appointments. Your surgeon may overfill the areas to allow for the body’s absorption of fat.
It is used to treat wrinkles or creases in cheeks, near your eyes, temple or forehead. It may also be used instead of a cheek implant. Results are somewhat unpredictable, as some of the fat is always reabsorbed by the body and therefore you might require additional fat injections. Additionally, fat injections may cause irregularities such as pits or lumps that may be seen at the skin’s surface.
Synthetic fillers There are a number of synthetic fillers available. Talk about your options with Dr. Friedman about how long each filler lasts and what areas can be treated.
Risks may include:
- Infection.
- Allergic reaction depending on the type of filler used.